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상위권 특례특기자 NO.1


제목 A-level 과목별 분석 5 - Economics 등록일 2016-04-18
분류 기타
작성자 관리자 조회수 1561


강의 계획서 목표

  1. 경제학 이론에 대한 지식 다짐
  2. 통계와 도표를 사용한 정확한 경제적 의사표현 능력 발달
  3. 경제적 데이터 수집 시 참고자료를 활용하는 습관 발달
  4. 경제에 정보를 비판적인 사고로 관찰하는 능력 향상
  5. 경제학자로써 경제 지표를 분석하고 논의하는데 가장 효율적인 방법을 찾고 활용하는 능력 생성


시험 구성

문제 유형


시간 제한



Paper 1: Multiple Choice




Paper 2: Data Response and Essay


1시간 30분



Paper 3: Multiple Choice


1시간 15분


Paper 4: Data Response and Essays


2시간 15분



유형 설명

AS 출제 범위

1. Basic economic ideas and resource allocation

- Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost

- Positive and normative statements

- Factors of production

- Resource allocation in different economic systems and issues of transition

- Production possibility curves

- Money

- Classification of goods and services

2. The price system and the micro economy

- Demand and supply curves

- Price elasticity, income elasticity and cross-elasticities of demand

- Price elasticity of supply

- Interaction of demand and supply

- Market equilibrium and disequilibrium

- Consumer and producer surplus

3. Government microeconomic intervention

- Maximum and minimum prices

- Taxes (direct and indirect)

- Subsidies

- Transfer payments

- Direct provision of goods and services

- Nationalisation and privatization

4. The macro economy

- Aggregate Demand (AD) and Aggregate Supply (AS) analysis

- Inflation

- Balance of payments

- Exchange rates

- The terms of trade

- Principles of absolute and comparative advantage

- Protectionism

5. Government macro intervention

- Types of policy: fiscal policy, monetary policy, and supply side policy

- Policies to correct balance of payments disequilibrium

- Policies to correct inflation and deflation


Paper 1: Multiple Choice

- AS 출제 범위내의 개관식 문제 30개를 1시간 안에 풀어야 하고, 객관식 문제 총점은 맞은 문제 개수로 채점되며 오답 감점은 없다.

Paper 2: Data Response and Essay

- AS 출제 범위내의 구조화된 문제 2개를 1시간 30안에 풀어야 한다.

2 section으로 나눠져 있고, Section A 는 data response question 이고, Section B 는 3가지의 주제 중에 하나만 골라서 작성하는 structured essay다.


A2 출제 범위

1. Basic economic ideas and resource allocation

- Efficient resource allocation

- Externalities and market failure

2. The price system and the micro economy

- Law of diminishing marginal utility

- Indifference curves and budget lines

- Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production

- Different market structures

- Growth and survival of firms

- Differing objectives of a firm

3. Government microeconomic intervention

- Policies to achieve efficient resource allocation and correct market failure

- Equity and policies towards income and wealth redistribution

- Labour market forces and government intervention

- Government failure in microeconomic intervention

4. The macro economy

- Economic growth, economic development and sustainability

- National Income statistics

- Classification of countries

- Employment/unemployment

- The circular flow of income

- Money supply (theory)

- Protectionism

- Keynesian and Monetarist schools

- The demand for money and interest rate determination

- Policies towards developing economies; policies of trade and aid

5. Government macro intervention

- Government macro policy aims

- Inter-connectedness of problems

- Effectiveness of policy options to meet all macroeconomic objectives


Paper 3: Multiple Choice

- A2 출제 범위내의 개관식 문제 30개를 1시간 15분 안에 풀어야 하고, 객관식 문제 총점은 맞은 문제 개수로 채점되며 오답 감점은 없다.

Paper 4: Data Response and Essays

- A2 출제 범위내의 문제 3개를 2시간 15안에 풀어야 한다.

- 2 section으로 나눠져 있고, Section A 는 data response question 이고, Section B 는 6가지의 주제 중에 두 가지를 골라서 작성하는 structured essay다.

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